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84 ALDOT On-Call Contracts, Alabama Statewide

Our project encompassed a series of on-call contracts with the Alabama Department of Transportation, offering a comprehensive suite of services including transportation design, construction engineering and inspection (CEI), surveying, environmental consulting, and geotechnical engineering. The focus was on enhancing mobility and traffic efficiency within the existing infrastructure and addressing the critical need for sustainable and practical transportation solutions.


The main challenges in these contracts were to uphold and improve public mobility within the confines of limited spatial areas, while also providing innovative solutions that would not incur future maintenance burdens for ALDOT. Another significant challenge was navigating right-of-way (ROW) constraints, necessitating the development of efficient solutions within these restricted spaces.


Our team prioritized the mobility needs of Alabama's commuters, utilizing innovative and cost-efficient design approaches. To overcome ROW limitations, we developed creative solutions that optimized the use of available space. This included enhancing traffic flow through the implementation of advanced signalization, the redesign of intersections, and the strategic use of roundabouts.

During construction, our focus was on maintaining safe traffic flow and public access with minimal disruption. This was achieved through strategic construction sequencing and close collaboration with contractors for methodical and efficient execution. Our CEI team was instrumental in reviewing plans and applying practical knowledge from the field to enhance both the design and construction processes.
A critical aspect of our solutions was considering the long-term maintenance implications for ALDOT. Each of our designs were crafted to preclude future maintenance issues, reflecting our deep understanding of ALDOT's needs and expectations. This forward-thinking approach, combined with our ability to work within tight budgets and timelines, highlighted our commitment to delivering high-quality, sustainable transportation solutions. Our longstanding track record of more than 55 years underscores our consistent ability to meet and exceed the expectations of both ALDOT and the communities we serve.


Alabama Statewide







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